BTW i think i know how you make different petaled ones...
the layer masks are differently shaped right?
and there's more of them?
Yep and I know how to make a faster car....put in a bigger engine!
You're on the right track and probably already know this, but the angles that the petals move in must also be changed. For example, our 4-petaled one moved at 90 degree angles because it was coming from all four sides. But, what would happen if you rotated those petals so that the center of the base were coming in from the corners? The math is pretty simple: 360 divided by the number of petals will give the angles needed, but some adjustments are always necessary. Plus there's some other tricks involved. Once you get comfortable with GAP, I'm sure you'll be able to figure out some of those tricks!
When you get ready to try a more complex one, like my or damascus' current avatars, give either of us a ring and we'll step you through the process. It's really quite simple....I think damascus can vouch for that. BTW, damascus, my avatar was done using the exact same steps I described to you....I just set my blend mode to 'Difference'. Additionally, if you couldn't tell, that avatar was made from the exact one I used in the tutorial.