1: If you want to advertise your site or forum you must have 100 posts. Do not spam the dome to get the posts. Contribute, vote, post some of your work!
2: Before the site is posted you must PM an admin to get apporval. The pm must contain the name of the site or forum and a general description of it's content and who the admins are.
3: Do not spam the boards with stuff about your site. Keep any and all info, updates or any other stuff to do with you site or forum to the advertised post.
4: Keep all updates and info to one post in the advertisment thread. Just edit the post with the new info!
5: Do not harrasse our member to join your forum or site. If it is reported that you are action will be taken!
6: You must also place a link to Unified Dezine on your forum or website. I don't care where just as long as it is there for people to see. This is only fair!! The forums address is