hy Fencepost
1)it seems as the download link went MIA i believe is
http://fence-post.deviantart.com/art/GIMP-Animated-Snowfall-Script-1448142332) is a new version of your previous script ..correct ?
Save as an animated gif
In case somebody want save/use for a video and has GAP i believe i found out how save painlessly as avi,and even get as result not only good quality
but a reasonable file size
1 Video/ Master Videoencoder
Now the trick seems simple, i believe in windows problem was the output path, simply output path should not contain empty spaces
That basically means CAN'T be used the most commune directory (as Document/Images/ VIdeo and their subfolders ) because are all subset of "Documents and Settings"but something as simply " C "or even "C:/Video " will work
(this for XP not sure for Vista that instead then "Documents and Settings" has " Users" , ...but be aware of any empty space in the path)
Then chose AVI as format and MPEG4 as codec give me good results for quality and file size
Thank for the update